The High-Speed Cutting Attachment Used by Golf Courses Worldwide
Powerhead has been a sought-after product in the golf industry for more than 20 years. Its 4 vertically placed plastic blades can efficiently cut and trim the grass of golf courses without damaging the embedded irrigation equipment.

Our Founder
Powerhead was founded by English inventor and entrepreneur John Body. He had extensive experience in large-scale farm management and was solely responsible for the development of an 18-hole golf course in Kent, England. After the opening of the Chart Hills Golf Course, his role shifted to quality control of the grounds and profitability strategies.
During that time, John noted repeated problems with grass infestation in and around irrigation heads which was causing aesthetic and maintenance issues. He began researching for a product that can solve the problem. When he found that none existed, he designed and manufactured a plastic cutter that fits into a commercial weed eater. This allowed the trimmer to efficiently cut the grass around the irrigation head.
The invention of the cutter led to the launch of the Powerhead company in 1995.
Finding Success in the US
Our company’s initial product, called the Powerhead Clear-Cut, was originally sold to golf courses throughout the UK, Europe, South Africa, Hong Kong, and Australia. However, it soon became evident that the US would be a major source of business for our products with the country having more than 34,000 golf courses.
The company's headquarters was relocated from the UK to the US. A manufacturing plant outside of Fort Worth, Texas became the new site for Powerhead manufacturing operations. Our product was showcased at several of the largest trade shows in the US including the GCSAA where Powerhead Clear-Cut received both national and international interest.